Tuesday, March 27, 2012
March, 2012
Sunday, March 11, 2012
Watercolor for Guys
- back by popular demand -
Watercolor for Guys
Two Saturdays
March 17 and 24, 2012
10:00 am to 3:30 pm
In Sebastopol, Ca.
Day One will be indoors, and Day Two will be pleine air (weather permitting) painting the beautiful yellow mustard fields and valley oaks.
Join other guys for a 2 day painting adventure in west Sonoma County
Participants will have an opportunity to:
- Learn and practice classic painting principles- (color, perspective, composition, brush control, etc.)
- Experiment with traditional and unusual painting surfaces
- Try innovative techniques as well as traditional ones
- Receive individual tutoring in a relaxed, comfortable group setting
- Experience the pleasures and perils of painting outdoors!
Those new to watercolor painting will get a “jump start,” and experienced artists will get a fresh start and new direction!
Only $99 for 11 hours of instruction
Annie brings most materials you will need.
To reserve a spot in the class, call Annie at 707.876.3211 and mail the attached registration form---------space is limit
Upon registration, you will receive exact directions to the day one site.
Space is limited--Reserve your spot now!About Annie Murphy Springer
Annie is a well-known watercolor painter, renowned for her innovative use of
color and creative approaches to painting.
She has been a Fire Chief, a Consultant in Management and Organizational
Development, and a master Trainer/Facilitator for emergency response and
public safety organizations and individuals across the nation.
She has also trained personnel in banks, hospitals, wineries, public agencies and
many small businesses over the past 35 years.
Annie, noted for her energetic and high-impact delivery style, easily establishes
credibility and rapport with the diverse “guy groups” she teaches.
To learn more about Annie, see examples of her work, visit::
While on annie’s web site, check out “annie on PBS” to see 7 short lessons
and get hints of what you might learn in this workshop!
or email Annie at:
or call her at: 707.876.3211.
Please complete this registration form, and mail with a check or money order, to
reserve your space.
Watercolor for Guys – Two saturdays, March 17 and 24, 2012 Sebastopol, Ca.
Name: _____________________________ email: ______________________
Address: ___________________________ Day Phone: __________________
City, Zip: ___________________________ Eve. Or CELL: ____________
Enclose a check or money order for:
$99 – 2 day Workshop Fee
Mail to: Annie Murphy Springer
POB 139
Bodega, CA 94922-0139