Sunday, June 21, 2009

Judy Lange is the other Artist that we are honoring this June. Judy is one of the original founders of Artisans' Co-op and has been a valued member who is always available for input, brainstorming and the hard physical labor that is sometimes involved. Judy has been educated in science as well as the arts. They way she tells it is that she earned a degree in chemistry as a young woman and, when she was ready to return to the workforce several years later, she looked into getting a teaching certificate at San Jose State. She got sidetracked and a few years later left SJSU with a BFA and an MFA.
Judy focused on pottery first. Then came the sheep. What started out as lawn mowers and lamb chops segued into breeding sheep and goats for their spinnable fleece. Along with the fleece came exploring the art and science of dyeing with both vegetable and chemical dyes, spinning and needle felting. Judy has and will teach all of these things. She sells her wool and mohair fleece and needle felting kits and supplies at the Co-op. If you are lucky enough to visit while she is staffing the shop, you will find her knowledgable about almost all craft techniques .

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