Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Resuming By Hand--November and December 2009

Your faithful blog mistress has been on an unplanned sabbatical for a few months, but now I'm back! I've missed telling you about our featured artists for November, Linda Jacobs and Angel Fiorito-Leddy.

Both of these women use leather as their main medium. Linda designs baby moccasins and baby tams of the softest of leather, sometimes burning designs on their surfaces. She also creates women's hats and accessories in luxurious fur. However, the items that spark the greatest interest among our shoppers are her line of hats made from locally harvested and spun fur from many pet dogs! Each hat is labelled with the name and breed of the pampered pup who donated his coat.
Linda's creations are always on display and for sale in the Co-op.

Angel is our bootmaker. She crafts beautiful, comfortable and durable leather boots and slippers with outdoor soles and fur inside. They make you feel like you're walking on a cloud! And- if your feet are hard to fit or you need corrective insoles, or if you want a special design, she will custom fit and make just what you want and need!
When spring rolls around, she also makes sandals.
Angel has been designing and crafting footwear since 1977 and has perfected her craft.

When December rolls around our Co-op becomes a wonderland for Holiday Shoppers. Not only do we have our regular stock of of unique items in yarn, clay, basketry, wall hangings, cards as well as fine art paintings and photography, we also sell handcrafted ornaments.
We have everything from wooly sheep to hang on the tree, tiny knit Christmas stockings, quilted angels and ceramic balls and anything else our artist can dream of and construct to celebrate the holiday season.
Artisans' Co-op is the perfect place to find gifts for everyone you know as well as to treat yourself to something special.

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