Saturday, May 15, 2010

May Artist of the Month

Darlene Barr's Art quilts have jumped off the wall and landed on some aprons! These charming aprons are reversible as well as beautiful and will garner many compliments for the wearer, so come in and check them out.
Darlene is an admitted fiberholic, but has worked out a system of organizing her stash so she can find the colors and textures she needs for a given project. She finds her inspiration within the fabrics so it is important that she be able to take in her stash at a glance. after designing and sewing her quilts, she hand embellishes them with stitchery, beads and metallic thread.
Although she usually does wall hangings and small objects such as pillows and lap quilts, she has done bed quilts as well.
Another addition to her line are watercolor note cards - also charming.
To see more of her work , go to her website, , and come to the Artisans' Co-op.

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